corporate lawyer

美 [ˈkɔːrpərət ˈlɔːjər]英 [ˈkɔːpərət ˈlɔːjə(r)]
  • 公司律师
corporate lawyercorporate lawyer
  1. I 'd make sure that we have a good , local , corporate lawyer .


  2. Corporate lawyer , female 43


  3. Her second husband was a steady , unimaginative , corporate lawyer .


  4. Points from a Thinking of Constructing Corporate Lawyer Firms


  5. She is a corporate lawyer based in Milan .


  6. Diana is a corporate lawyer ;


  7. Flint draws on her experience and travels as a corporate lawyer to flesh out the intrigue .


  8. In 1992 , Christianson and her American husband , also a corporate lawyer , moved to Hong Kong for his job .


  9. If this worry looms so large now , it is likely that you will indeed feel diminished when you can no longer wear your corporate lawyer badge .


  10. Some well-known economists have suggested that Ms Lagarde , a corporate lawyer by training , may not be best qualified to oversee the global monetary system at a time of fundamental economic shifts .


  11. Mr Rossi , who attended Harvard law school in the1950s and wrote a book on American bankruptcy law , made his name as a corporate lawyer keen on market rules and their enforcement .


  12. That translated into an opportunity to go to university in the US – at Amherst College in Massachusetts – after which she studied law at Columbia University and worked as a corporate lawyer in New York .


  13. That translated into an opportunity to go to university in the US - at Amherst College in Massachusetts - after which she studied law at Columbia University and worked as a corporate lawyer in New York .


  14. In an online poll by USA Today , 65 percent of more than 10000 readers believed the Harvard-educated corporate lawyer and future first lady " had an off day " and 35 percent said " She looks fantastic as always . "


  15. There you sit in a negotiation seminar learning about creating win-win situations , while part of you suspects that , as one corporate lawyer once put it to me , the only win-win situation is one where the same person wins twice .


  16. You are a corporate lawyer in your forties and your girlfriend ( a ) is not a lawyer , ( b ) is young and beautiful and ( c ) takes you partying in Vegas with other beautiful young women .


  17. ' I DON 'T THINK Bermuda has enough zip for the younger crowd , ' says Wendell Hollis , a leading corporate lawyer who has represented many of the billionaires who have bought real estate here over the past 20 years .


  18. It takes a certain kind of teenager to aspire for a career as a corporate lawyer at a chemical company , but that ambition led Cole at age 17 to get a job at Hooters as a hostess to save up for college .


  19. D'Aloisio 's parents came to England from Australia . His father , Lou , has worked in commodities for BP and Morgan Stanley , while his mother , Diana , is a corporate lawyer who also serves as her son 's contractual representative .


  20. Julie Pearl , a corporate immigration lawyer in San Francisco , said that at least a third of her clients have dropped their hiring of H-1B visa holders by50 % from a year ago .
